Contempt Action for Strikes in Courts: High Court Registrar Issues Directives

The Allahabad High Court has initiated contempt proceedings against lawyers for abstaining from judicial work. The High Court Registrar, Rajeev Bharti, has issued detailed directives to all district judges, stating that any suspension of judicial work due to strikes or protests will be treated as contempt of court.

The directives emphasize that the judiciary cannot be halted due to strikes, mourning, or other reasons, especially if these actions disrupt the court's functioning. The instructions mandate that all district judges regularly update the High Court about any instances of such disruptions and the actions taken to prevent them.

It has been observed that strikes by lawyers, court staff, or their associations against judicial directives or other reasons will not be tolerated. Any individual or organization involved in promoting such strikes, or calling for suspension of work, will face contempt proceedings.

The High Court’s circular explicitly warns that if any legal practitioners, associations, or their office-bearers are found inciting strikes, the High Court will initiate contempt proceedings against them. The Registrar's office has directed that all judges ensure compliance with these instructions and report any violations immediately.

The move comes as a response to increasing instances of judicial work being disrupted due to strikes, which hampers the delivery of justice. The High Court has made it clear that maintaining the sanctity and uninterrupted functioning of the judicial system is paramount, and any actions undermining this will be dealt with strictly under contempt laws.