"Ensuring Social Security for Every Worker: An In-Depth Conversation with ESIC Deputy Director Ashutosh Giri"

"Ensuring Social Security for Every Worker: An In-Depth Conversation with ESIC Deputy Director Ashutosh Giri"

Satendra Singh: We have Mr. Ashutosh Giri, the Deputy Director of ESIC, present with us today. Could you please explain the benefits of ESIC for the employees and establishments?

Ashutosh Giri: First of all, I extend a warm welcome to all your viewers and express my heartfelt gratitude for inviting me here. ESIC is a commendable scheme initiated by the Government of India, aimed at providing support to our labour brethren during times of distress. This scheme particularly benefits employees earning a salary of up to INR 21,000. Given the healthcare scenario in our country, this scheme proves highly beneficial by offering numerous services at a minimal premium of just 4%. Through our press outreach and our official portal, we strive to ensure that all employees, whether associated with ESIC or our tie-up hospitals, receive the necessary benefits. For instance, we even provide facilities like pacemaker installation. Through your channel, I appeal to all establishments that are yet to register with us to do so, as it will be highly advantageous for all employees.

Satendra Singh: Speaking of contributions, the employees previously had to contribute 1.75% of their wages, which has now been reduced to 0.75%. This means they are receiving substantial benefits at a much lower contribution, correct?

Ashutosh Giri: Yes, absolutely. Currently, factories and establishments across India that employ 10 or more workers are mandated to register under ESIC, irrespective of the workers’ salaries. Be it a factory or a restaurant, if 10 or more people are employed, registration with ESIC is mandatory.

Satendra Singh: What are the benefits available for registered employees and their families under ESIC? Could you provide more details on this?

Ashutosh Giri: The benefits under ESIC are vast, yet many people remain unaware of them. We consistently engage in awareness campaigns through our PR division and local offices, visiting factories to educate employees about the benefits. ESIC provides numerous medical benefits such as maternity benefits and injury compensation. In cases like the loss of a finger, for example, a medical board determines the worker’s loss of capacity, based on which we provide pensions. We also have a robust independent benefit scheme that ensures up to 90% compensation in case a worker dies during service. This benefit extends not just to the spouse and children but also to dependent parents.

Satendra Singh: Sometimes employees face issues in availing medical benefits. For instance, if a worker meets with an accident outside ESIC dispensary hours and gets treated in another hospital, how can they claim reimbursement?

Ashutosh Giri: There should not be any issues in such cases. If it’s a minor illness, employees should visit our ESIC dispensaries. However, in emergencies such as a heart attack or an accident, employees can visit any hospital, get treated, and later submit the bills with an emergency certificate from the hospital. We process such cases swiftly as long as they follow the correct procedure.

Satendra Singh: What happens if a company doesn’t deduct or deposit employees' contributions correctly? Does your department take any action?

Ashutosh Giri: We have a comprehensive mechanism for this. If an establishment or factory registered with us shows sudden changes in its contribution, we immediately take action. If the contribution is not deposited for 3-4 months, we proceed with legal action as per the regulations. Inspections can also be conducted based on complaints from labour unions or individuals.

Satendra Singh: If an employee is treated in an ESIC hospital but requires services not available there, what can they do? How can they avail of treatment in a private hospital?

Ashutosh Giri: We have a network of tie-up hospitals, the list of which is available on our website. If a treatment is not available in ESIC hospitals, the patient can be referred to one of these hospitals at no extra cost.

Satendra Singh: What special benefits does ESIC offer for women workers?

Ashutosh Giri: The Government of India has ensured 100% compliance with the Maternity Benefit Act through ESIC. We offer full maternity benefits right from the time of conception to delivery. This includes financial support and complete healthcare coverage, making it a very supportive scheme for working women.

Satendra Singh: Regarding inspection, how do your officers ensure that everything is in order at the establishments they visit?

Ashutosh Giri: Our inspection process is now highly transparent. The scheduling of inspections is automated through the Shram Suvidha Portal, and employers are notified well in advance. During inspections, we review up to 5 years of records, including salary sheets and contributions, to ensure compliance.

Satendra Singh: What about contract workers? If a principal employer hires a contractor with fewer than 10 workers, is ESIC still applicable?

Ashutosh Giri: Absolutely. If an establishment is covered under ESIC, then all employees, including those on contract or casual employment, must be covered. It is the principal employer’s responsibility to ensure this.

Satendra Singh: Sometimes, employers hire daily-wage workers who may not have proper identification like an Aadhaar card. How can these workers be registered under ESIC?

Ashutosh Giri: This is a common issue faced by many factory owners. However, employers should ensure social security for every worker, even if they are hired on a daily-wage basis. Registration has become very simple and can be done online, making it easier to add such workers.

Satendra Singh: Earlier, the process of submitting declaration forms for each employee used to be cumbersome. How do you view the role of digitization in simplifying ESIC processes?

Ashutosh Giri: Digitization has revolutionized the entire process. There was a time when people had to wait in long queues at branch offices to submit forms. Today, everything is online, which has significantly reduced the burden on both employers and employees.

Satendra Singh: In case of an accident, how soon should the intimation be given to ESIC? Also, does the benefit apply if an employee meets with an accident while commuting?

Ashutosh Giri: Yes, if a registered worker meets with an accident while commuting to or from work, ESIC benefits will apply. The accident should be reported immediately, and benefits will be provided as per the scheme.

Satendra Singh: What if the employee takes a different route or stops somewhere else while commuting?

Ashutosh Giri: Ideally, the shortest route should be taken. However, if there is a justified reason for deviating, benefits can still be provided based on the circumstances.

Satendra Singh: If an employee is on leave and unfortunately passes away due to a heart attack or other reasons, is there any provision for benefits?

Ashutosh Giri: Such cases require a thorough investigation. If the employee was on leave due to an employment injury and passes away, they may be eligible for benefits like the dependent benefit scheme. Each case is assessed individually by our office.

Satendra Singh: How does ESIC apply to the building and construction sector? There have been recent judgments regarding this.

Ashutosh Giri: Although ESIC should be applicable, there is currently a Supreme Court stay on this matter. So, no claims can be made until the issue is resolved.

Satendra Singh: Is there any other message you would like to convey to our viewers?

Ashutosh Giri: I would like to emphasize the importance of Aadhaar seeding. While it is not mandatory as per the Supreme Court’s ruling, it greatly benefits both employees and employers. Aadhaar seeding helps streamline contributions and ensures that benefits are easily accessible, especially when workers move between jobs. I urge all establishments to complete Aadhaar seeding for their employees.

This interview provides comprehensive insights into the benefits and procedures of ESIC, covering various aspects that employers and employees should be aware of for effective compliance and utilization of the scheme.