Youth Trust More in Information Obtained from Facebook and YouTube


Survey In this era of technology, the youth are relying more on social media to gather information. According to the report, about two-thirds of the youth are obtaining more information from Facebook and YouTube. Among them, 60% of the respondents are women. This survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center. These results come after discussions with youth from 15 countries around the world, showing a 3% increase in reliance compared to last year.

Percentage of News Obtained from Social Media in the Last Five Years:

  • 2024: 72%
  • 2023: 69%s
  • 2022: 70%
  • 2021: 67%
  • 2020: 71%

69% of Information from Facebook

According to the survey, nearly 72% of the youth acknowledge that social media plays a significant role in obtaining information. Facebook stands out as a major source, providing 69% of the information, while YouTube follows with 55%. In addition, 59% of women also gain information from Instagram besides Facebook.

Percentage of Youth Relying on Social Media Platforms:

  • Facebook: 36%
  • YouTube: 23%
  • Instagram: 33%
  • WhatsApp: 32%

For 20-year-olds:

  • Facebook: 36%
  • YouTube: 23%
  • Instagram: 33%
  • WhatsApp: 32%

For 24-year-olds:

  • Facebook: 33%
  • YouTube: 32%
  • Instagram: 15%
  • WhatsApp: 20%

Women Leading in Information Gathering

In obtaining information, women are ahead:

  • Men: Facebook: 36%, YouTube: 23%, Instagram: 11%, WhatsApp: 15%
  • Women: Facebook: 33%, YouTube: 32%, Instagram: 15%, WhatsApp: 20%

WhatsApp Dominates in Less Developed Countries

The report mentions that in platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter), younger users, especially those aged 18 to 29, have higher engagement. 48% of youth from less developed countries use these platforms for news. Out of this, women account for 53% and men 47%, reflecting a higher participation of women in these regions.