Only Members with Clean Image to Become Active Members of BJP

UV INDIA NEWS: Ghaziabad: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a membership drive starting September 2 to enrol more members. BJP’s District President, Sanjeev Sharma, announced preparations for this campaign are complete. The drive aims to involve 15,000 booths across the district and focus on enrolling individuals who will be active party members.

Key Highlights:

  • Membership Drive: The campaign will be conducted in three phases, focusing on enrolling new members with a clean image and no criminal background. The drive is expected to create a base of active members who align with the party’s values and principles.
  • Active Membership Criteria: Individuals will undergo a verification process to ensure they have a clean record before being designated as active members. This includes checking whether there are any pending criminal cases against them. If found clear, they will be considered for active membership status.
  • Organizational Structure: On Saturday, Sanjeev Sharma, the Metropolitan Active Member Chairman of BJP Ghaziabad, led a meeting in the district. During the meeting, strategies were discussed to make the membership drive successful. It was decided that each of the 1,800 booths would target enrolling 200 people into the party.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Booth in-charges, councillors, and legislators will oversee the enrolment process to ensure the criteria for active membership are met. An 11-member team has been formed at the block level to guide the drive and ensure adherence to the rules.
  • Verification and Selection Process: Before an individual is made an active member, their background will be thoroughly vetted, especially their reputation and any history of criminal activity. If an individual has a clean image, they will be promoted to active membership status.

This initiative is part of the BJP’s broader strategy to strengthen its grassroots presence by involving individuals who exemplify integrity and align with the party’s vision for India. The emphasis on a clean image is seen as a step towards maintaining the party’s standards and public trust.

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